IRIS: On Tour - Community Event Series - JUNE 2020
*The June edition will be our final month community event series in 2020. Take a look at the workshops we have prepared below and don't miss out!
IRIS: Your Escape is going on tour! For the very first time we are launching our Community Event Series - IRIS: On Tour to keep your fitness goals on track! IRIS will be travelling around to your favourite gyms and studios all around Hong Kong starting in March to offer a wide variety of classes ranging from yoga, fitness, mindfulness and workshops etc hosted by some of our star instructors. This series will also serve as a warm-up to our much anticipated IRIS: Yours Escape 10th Edition later in this year, which is set to be our biggest scale event yet! Don't miss out!
Please bring your water bottles and own yoga mat (for yoga classes - unless stated otherwise).
IRIS 2020年全新出發!我們會展開 IRIS 有史以來第一次的 Community Event Series, 帶來一系列不同類型的課堂。IRIS: On Tour 將會成為你2020年身心靈健康路上的好伙伴!由3月起IRIS將會帶你走偏全港的健身及運動熱點,與星級教練聯手為你帶來多元化的課堂及工作坊活動!為今年第十屆的 IRIS:Your Escape 打響頭炮。敬請留意!
*請記得自備水樽、瑜伽墊 (適用於瑜伽課程)。
*Registration of each class will end 5pm the day before event
*All classes are limited to 7pax.
*To register for classes powered by HK01 (Circuit Training and Sweat n' Flow), please click HERE .