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deTour 2021 設計講座:從歷史建築走進社區 文化遺產的永續與再生

deTour 2021 設計講座:從歷史建築走進社區 文化遺產的永續與再生

16:00 - 17:00


在香港,發展權益和高地價現實,往往是私營機構抗拒參與文物保育的原因。但近年一系列備受關注的私人保育項目,包括南豐集團的南豐紗廠The Mills、新世界發展的皇都戲院,以及華懋集團的中環街市,均證明重視城市再生的社會價值考慮,已靜靜地在私營企業的市場營銷、品牌及決策過程中佔一席位。



1. 胡燦森, 虎豹樂圃執行董事 (項目發展)


1. 黎雋維, 建築歷史學者

2. 彭展華, AaaM Architects 創辦人

3. Betty Fan, 建築設計、多媒體藝術家


日期:12月11日 (星期六)

時間:16:00 - 17:00

地點: PMQ元創方地面廣場, G/F



截止報名:12月10日 23:59

Sustaining Community Heritage

The Commissioner for Heritage’s Office was established in 2008, and has since overseen many initiatives to conserve publicly owned historic sites, with PMQ being one key example.

In Hong Kong, the protection of development rights and the high price of property are the private sector’s key arguments against heritage conservation. Nevertheless, high-profile, privately initiated projects such as the Mills by Nan Fung Group, the State Theatre by New World Development and Central Market by Chinachem Group, provide proof that social value and concerns over urban regeneration have a legitimate place in the private sector’s marketing, branding and decision-making processes.

Today, there are still many community heritage projects needing our attention and support. In this panel discussion, the speakers will share ideas on community heritage and the actions needed to foster a more vibrant and diverse future for urban Hong Kong.


1. Roger Wu, Executive Director - Project Development, Haw Par Music Foundation Limited


1. Charles Lai, Researcher in the history and conservation of Hong Kong and Asia modern architecture

2. Bob Pang, Co-founder - AaaM Architects

3. Betty Fan, Architectural Designer and Multimedia Artist


Date: 11 December, 2021 (Saturday)

Time: 16:00 -17:00

Location: PMQ, Marketplace

Quota: 30 persons

Language: English

Registration due by: 10 December, 2021 (23:59)
