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IRIS On Tour 2020 - Community Event Series : Circuit Training by Zelos Wong

IRIS On Tour 2020 - Community Event Series : Circuit Training by Zelos Wong

19:00 - 20:00
添馬公園(聚集點: 文化廣場)

Zelos 黃凱逸 從小就一直是體育迷。他在大學時就作為龍舟隊的一員開始了自己的健身生涯,在健身行業工作了3年,是香港首批獲得Holofit培訓的認證教練之一。

Zelos 結合了地面運動和各種體重訓練學科,指導創新減肥運動班Animal Flow 工作坊。


IRIS Community Event - Zelos Workshop

Tamar Park (Meeting Point: The Tamar Culture Plaza)

日期: 2020年6月10日


地點: 添馬公園(聚集點: 文化廣場)

Circuit Training - 一種充滿活力,樂觀和有趣的課程,將“Animal Flow”運動結合到鍛煉程序中,可以使您的心律保持較高水平,並提高您的靈活性,活動性和心輸出量,使您的鍛煉混合起來,使其比常規的HIIT課程更加有趣和令人興奮。


Zelos has always been a sports enthusiast since he was young. He started his fitness career as a member of the dragon boat team back in University and now he has been working in the fitness industry for 3 years and is one of the first certified instructors for Holofit training in Hong Kong.

Recently he has been coaching some beginner Animal Flow workshops, which is an innovative bodyweight movement class that combines ground-based movement with elements of various body-weight training disciplines.  

Apart from Fitness, Zelos is a singer-songwriter. His visions of life would be sharing his positive energy with the world, either through fitness or music.

You would be able to see more fitness coaching videos and original music from his social media platform.  

IRIS Community Event - Zelos Workshop

Date: 2020-6-10


Address: Tamar Park (Meeting Point: The Tamar Culture Plaza)

Class Information:

Circuit Training - An energetic, upbeat and fun class combining Animal Flow movements into workout routines which keeps your heart rate high and improves your flexibility, mobility and cardiac output, mixing up your workout to make it more interesting and exciting than your regular HIIT classes.
